About Us

About Us

a brief history

Makandire Muzani Music was founded in 2001 as a project to promote Zimbabwean culture in Europe and other areas of the world, as well as to address socio-cultural issues, such as gender balance, through culture. Makandire Muzani Music is a private enterprise registered in Sweden.

Makandire Muzani Music has a music band in Uppsala, Sweden named ManLuckerz And The Zim-Traditional Unity. The band travels the world performing Zimbabwean traditional music. Artists from Zimbabwe, Uganda, Mozambique, Sweden, and other nations make up the band. The band has released seven studio albums, with tracks available on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, and other sites.

Teaching and performing Zimbabwean traditional music, drama, cultural workshops, lectures, storytelling, cultural exchange programmes, and entertainment marketing are among the services provided by the organisation.

Makandire Muzani Music, in addition to running a band, supports new artists by giving them the opportunity to develop and showcase their talent. Currently, the firm collaborate with Sensus Uppsala, Gottsunda Kulturhus-Kulturpunkten, and the Uppsala City Council (Kulturnämnden Uppsala Kommun) to encourage emerging artists. Makandire Muzani Music also has an exchange scheme that encourages the exchange of artists from other countries.

About the Founder

ManLuckerz grew up in an old-fashioned, traditional household with his grandfather VaMakandire Zvemisha. VaMakandire was a TRADITIONAL HEALER as well as a storyteller and musician.

VaMakandire generally sat with his grandchildren under a tree near the compound’s cluster of cottages, playing his mbira melodies. He told stories that emphasised the principles of traditional Zimbabwean living. He warned his children not to be misled by colonial customs and to stick to their native ways of life.

He also taught his grandchildren the significance of dressing in traditional garb similar to that worn by ManLuckerz on stage. Morden attire was a shame to his culture and ancestors, according to him. He contended that education should not be permitted to change the Zimbabwean tradition, which is regarded to be the foundation of our identity.

In keeping with his grandfather’s traditional beliefs, ManLuckerz aims to spread and contribute to the preservation of Zimbabwean culture. He has continued to work in the arts and entertainment industry for these and other reasons.

ManLuckerz is a motivated, focused individual who is driven to advance and never go back. He believes that young people will have the opportunity to learn about and engage in Zimbabwean culture or some of its components, such as dance and music, through him. His goals are to raise awareness of the Zimbabwean customs throughout the world.

Current Band Members


In Zimbabwe: ManLuckerz performed with organisations such as Musasa Project, WAG, WILDAF, and WASN, which are women’s grassroots organisations working to improve gender equality and consciousness-raising in Zimbabwe, and Padare, a men’s forum organisation working on gender issues throughout Zimbabwe, Chiysap theatre arts, Dandemutande, Beula Dyoko, Zatycp, Alternative Savahna Arts Theatre, HIFA, Roof Top Promotions,

In Sweden: ManLuckerz performed in Sweden at Studiefrämjandet, Pro-Tools (Miran), Afrocuban Company, Fyrisgården, Uppsala stift i.e. Churches in Sweden, Fyris Festvalen, Gottsunda biblioteket, Bromma ungdomar kultur i Stockholm, Fyris Festvalen, Gottsunda biblioteket, Bromma ungdomar culture Swedish radio P2, Swedish TV 4, The Darkness film, Nordic Africa Institute University, SIDA, primary-secondary and high schools in Sweden, Afrika Grupperna, The Embassy of Zimbabwe, Weddings and other events Sörmland Teatern, Hijazz, Sensus, SAE Institute of Technology, Swedish Uppsala Municipality, Parksnäckan Uppsala, Kulturoasen Uppsala, Calor Göteborg, Katalin Uppsala, Hågaby KulturCentrum, Södra teatern, Berns Stockholm, Diesel Verkstaden, Hans Soft, ZIMFEBI, ZIMOSWE, Paco Promotions (Celso Paco), Makandire-Ariane Inter-Cultural Promotion, Just Africa, Siquir Music, Zimba Marimba Sweden, etc.

In Finland: ManLuckerz performed in Churches, Jakaranda music band, and other venues.

In the United States: ManLuckerz performed at Lewis and Clark College, PSU University, primary and secondary schools, The Nation’s Finest, Oregon Health Science University, Self Enhancement Organisation, Walker and Warren Organisation, Zimbabwe Arts Projects- ZAP, Authentic Shona Sculpture Contemporary Art, Our House of Portaland Organisation, and others.

ManLuckerz formed ManLuckerz And The Zim-Traditional Music under the Makandire Muzani trademark. ManLuckerz And The Zim-Traditional Unity has collaborated with a number of organisations since its inception. ManLuckerz And the Zim-Traditional Unity consists of Zimbabweans, Ugandans, Mozambicans, Swedes, and other nationalities.

ManLuckerz And The Zim-Traditional Unity have performed in Sweden, Africa, and other countries.


  • Live music performances at events
  • Theatre performance and programming
  • Workshops in African dance and drumming.
  • Choir music in a traditional style.  


  • ManLuckerz will never conceal his real identity.
  • He is a Zimbabwean, African.
  • He is proud of his culture and appreciates other civilizations.